Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What time is it again?

This morning we met as a group and explored various sites around the city. I spent much of my time at the Capitoline Museum which houses several well-known pieces of art including the Venus, the Head of Mendusa, Dying Gaul and the head of Constantine. One of our professors, Kelly, talked with me a lot about Roman history and about the pieces at the art museum. It was like having my own personal tour guide. Made the visit a lot more fun for me!  We took several shots from Capitoline Hill which was redesigned by Michelangelo in 1546.  
View of the Colosseum

The entrance to the museum

Colossal Head Of Constantine. 

My roommates Christine & Meylin

I don't think I'm used to the time difference yet. Rome is six hours ahead of the States(makes talking to family/friends back home difficult)  I get tired at weird times and hungry at weird times as well. I heard that the third day of the trip (today!) is usually the toughest in regards to jet lag and I would have to agree. When I am hungry, there's lots of great food to eat!

A pizza place our group stopped at for lunch yesterday.
(thanks for my friend Meylin for taking these pictures)
A wonderful pizza with tomato & buffalo cheese. So good!

We walk a lot while we're here, so this water bottle stays filled up. There's various fountains like the one above throughout the city. 

My first (and certainly not last) taste of gelato (tiramisu) Very rich!


  1. So much fun you're having, yay! Miss you, sweetie! <3

  2. I miss you too!! Can't wait to hear about your trip and tell you about mine :)
